I wish I had known earlier

I wish I had known earlier 

Timeless lessons of life are known to us much later and we do regret not knowing them earlier in life, knowing which might have altered the due course for the better. Here are some which have to be internalized to make our lives much better  

Expectations: The perils of expecting have been discussed in great lengths by all wise men and instruct us to be mindful of the quality of our work, Work with love and care remembering that our happiness depends on it. Resolve to be mindful of the approach towards work and work as an offering to god, expecting no reward, seeking no favors, and avoiding no challenges.

Power of compounding: Habits compound and make little difference in short periods but makes an enormous impact on years or decadal time frame be it how you perceive risk, taking good care of your health, building wealth, or even quieting your mind. As it is said success is repeating few good habits every day.

Self-learning: Self-directed learning to master skills, that comes from within will be done with great enthusiasm by choosing the subject to study, rhythm and time. Self-learning helps you to develop problem-solving skills, feeling of accomplishment, and more importantly stress-free. 

Things do not matter as experience: We hoard things more than we are in need of and spend a great deal of time to buy them and also earning money to allow us to buy, only to realize that we tend to get more influenced by the experience than things. But if things help us to make that lasting impression I presume we should pursue, which is fewer than what we have now, and should be mindful when we buy them hereafter.

Listening classes: It allows us to focus on the activity at hand and not to allow the mind to get distracted, and to listen for the sake of listening and not for the sake of reacting. and to truly be at the present. Listening allows us to be in the present that is NOW. The importance of Now is nicely put in  OSHO's words,  

"Reality consists only of now, the present. It has nothing to do with the past and nothing to do with the future. It is so concentrated in this moment that if you can be in this moment, all that you are seeking and searching for will be fulfilled ''


PS: The content of this post is inspired from Subra sir's vlog and Transcription of "Spiritualising daily life by swami Tyagananda "  it's been transcribed so that it can be read frequently to internalize and contemplate.

Please find the link here.  

1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzGqgmvAdEA&t=9s 

2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsRG2ntOYB8


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